I'll be honest here: I'm a *little* envious of them. Heck, I spent several days grinding through Warsong gulch, just to get a silly sword (and I got the ring -Protector's Band- a couple days before that) So this is NOT a dig at them. They put in a TON of time and gold to create them. (and to be honest, the only thing that really pisses me off are the rogues. None of their abilities, BY THEMSELVES are all that bad, but the combination they have is just horrid: stealth, ability to stun FOR 8-10 SECONDS, and immunity to stun (the last is the worst) seems to leave them mostly invulnerable, and WAY too deadly.
I know that the auction house (AH) offers many things that are cool, but it still doesn't really explain ALL the stuff they get, since much of it is "BoP" (binds on pickup) or is a quest reward, or simply never makes it (or rarely) onto the AH.
So, my question is this: HOW do people get all this stuff, and still remain a low enough level to be so lethal? This is NOT a dis on twinks or anything. It's a serious question.
For example, I get curious about who has what, especially Paladins that are around my level, so I do a lot of "Inspect"-ing. (right click on a toon to highlight them, then right click on their picture and "Inspect" is a pull down option) The other day, I ran across a level 29 pally that is clearly a twink:
Frostreaver Crown.........................Helmet ..drop/AH ...lvl 27 ....182 armor.. +4.. str ..+15 sta ...+4 spi
Sentinel's Medallion.........................Neck .....PvP ..........lvl 28.....none ..........+8 agi ....+5 sta
Azure Shoulderguards of Soldier...Shoulder 4 Aces... lvl 20.....151 armor.. +5 str.... +5 sta....+5 crit
Caretaker's Cape............................Back ....PvP......... lvl 28.... 25 armor ......+6 sta ...+4 spi ...+70 armor .+7 spell power
Shining Silver Breastplate..............Chest .created ..lvl 24 .....214 armor ...+14 str ..+6 sta ....+4 all stats
Green Iron Bracers.........................Wrist ..created... lvl 28....... 131 armor.. +5 sta ...+9 sta
Grubbis Paws .................................Hand.. Boss...... lvl 29......144 armor.... +6 str... +5 agi ...+9 spi ..+15 agi
Highlander's Lamellar Girdle ............Waist... PvP........ lvl 28......128 armor.. +11 str ..+4 sta.. +5 int
Dreamsinger Legguards ................Legs ....drop/AH ...lvl 21.....179 armor ...+8 str ...+8 sta.. +5 spi
Highlander's Lamellar Greaves.......Feet ....PvP ...........lvl 28..... 157 armor ..+6 str ...+6 agi.. +4sta... +4 int.. +7 sta
Protector's Band............................. Finger... PvP ........lvl 28 ..... none ..........+6 str... +6 agi ...+4 sta
Seal of Wrynn ................................Finger .....Quest ....lvl ? ...... none ..........+3 str +...3 agi ..+4 sta... +4int.. +3 spi
Rune of Duty.................................. Trinket..... PvP .......lvl 20......none ..........+4 sta ....+3 health /5sec
Insignia of the Alliance ...................Trinket .....PvP .......lvl ?........none .........Removes all movement impairing effects
Crescent of Forlorn Spirits ............1hnd Axe .Quest... lvl ? .......22.8 DPS ....+29 spell power ......+8 crit
Resplendant Guardian ...................Shield ....drop/AH...lvl 26......680 armor ...+14 block ....+7 sta... +7 spi ..+5 block
I plan to ask this guy how he did it. (his name is a fart joke, and even as "old" as I am, I still find funny) If he responds, etc, I'll post what he has to say...
- Plan ahead, and figure out EXACTLY which items you want to get.
- Plan out which instances to go on, and when.
- Get a (or 2 or 3?) level 80 (or whatever) level buddies to help out.
- Enter the instance as a group/party as soon as twink is JUST high enough level to enter.
- Disband the party in the instance to prevent the twink from getting unnecessary Exp.
- Lvl 80's kill all "un-needed" mobs. Since twink is not in party, (s)he gets no Exp.
- Twink gets first hit on Bosses, lvl 80's clean up.
- Twink picks up good loot.
Or, if the "random" dropped stuff is where the good loot comes from, get even more buddies to join in, so that the Exp are diluted and prevents the twink from levelling too quickly. And, I would assume, the same buddies would get together and repeat the process for THEIR twinks.
To me, that sounds like a TON of planning work, and cooperation. And that's exactly why it doesn't bother me. (unless I just got 2 hit killed by them ;) ) The amount of effort it takes is just amazing.Now, I will say it's just a *BIT* unfair when a group of 3-5 (or more) of these uber twinks go into PvP and mop the floor with the rest of us poor mortals. As long as it's over quickly, I won't complain TOO much. It's not fair, but it isn't really bad sportsmanship, and I still get my Mark and Honor Points.
Bad Sportsmanship will be the subject of another post...
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