and messing around when Carbonite flares up: "Enemy Blahblah seen in your area." (I honestly don't know what the name was) I scout around the area, and lo-and-behold, there's a level 52 Belf Hunter fighting some Yeti.
And he's flagged PvP. (remember, I'm on a "normal" Server)
So I saunter over and stand and watch him finish the fight. (I'm mounted, of course)
He finally notices the 73 Alliance Pally staring at him, so he mounts/bolts. Perhaps he has Pathfinding and assumes/thinks he can out run me. (repeat after me: no)
A hint for those without much knowledge of Paladins... Similar to Hunters, we can get some tier 3 talents that increase out speeds (both mounted & unmounted) with Pallies getting a max boost of +15% (compared to a 10% for Hunters) In addition, at level 62, we get this handy Aura called "Crusader Aura". This gives us a 20% mounted speed bonus. The only folks that keep up with us are Death Knights.
So, anyways, this guy figures out quickly that he's not going to outrun me, so he starts jinking back & forth. That doesn't work, so he just starts running south from Everlook. (going to Everlook MAY have been a better choice, since there's at least the possibility of other Horde being there to support him)
I harass him for a bit more and then just peel off. I had run through my possible attack: Repentance then Hammer of Justice? Reverse? Then hit with Judgement of Justice? (Which also stuns) I laid out my plan, then just decided not to be a (bigger) jerk.
After all, maybe he just finished running a BG and was still flagged? (in a "normal" realm, you stay flagged PvP for 5 minutes after ANY PvP activity)
So little Mr. Hunter got a bit of a trick: me hunting HIM, and following him around for a couple minutes, and then a treat with me not killing him. I'll be honest though, and say that I was ><> .
Another part of me wanted to emphasize that mounting and running is almost never a good idea. Especially when your best defense is only available when not mounted (your pet).
Ah well, guess this means the next sod I run across like this is gonna get worked over a bit... I can only play nice for so long... :P
EDIT - sorry for the wonky formatting. BLogspot's editing functions (and basic simple functions) pretty much sux rox (a bad thing)
You are a very funny man, Jeff. I was laughing my ass off at the "(repeat after me: no)" part.