Sunday, December 27, 2009 la la...

Not Much WoW-ish to talk about, but wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays. Even if it's just a Festivus Pole in your living room.

Kattastrophe did a neat year-end wrap up about where we've been, a bunch of her (and our) accomplishments.

One note:If you look at her link in my blogroll, it does not have the "www." in the link, BUUUUT, if you click on the link, it auto-inserts www. FRAK.


  1. Happy Christmas!

    I, too, am catching up with blogging after the holidays :)

  2. By the way, give my congrats to Kattastrophe - LJ won't let me comment. You two have had a busy year - can't believe she has the turtle!!

  3. Thanks!

    Live Journal has been a "challenge" to say the least... Katt says THANKS SO MUCH!" and will see if she can figure out what's going on. lol
