The other day over at Hots & Dots, Cassandri brought up a video log about a guild (called Big Crits) that was progressing to 25 man Lich King, and documenting the progress in a very "reality TV" type of way. Hots & Dots Link Here. It's a very interesting video, and seeing the tidbits from the raider POV and the leader POV as well as the culture was very revealing.
For me, this was rather topical, since I had had a brief interaction with a guild that seems to be in a similar "mode": i.e., the guild's progression is paramount, and any individual is only a cog in the machine for that progression.
As I mentioned before, that is wholly unacceptable to me. But this got me to thinking, clearly this type of guild exists, on multiple servers, and represents a truly dedicated hardcore attitude towards raiding. Obviously, there is a panoply of variations, but there seems to be a reasonable spectrum of "cores" that progression type guilds seem to fall into. (as opposed to PvP oriented, or RP oriented, which I assume have their own spectrum, but that's something I know very little of)
So, in very basic terms, here's the spectrum guilds as I see it, from least "hardcore" to maximum hardcore. (yes, there are all sorts of variations, as well as variability of membership within each "type")
1 - Completely social. There is no internal organization for raiding or even Heroics.
2 - Social guild that runs heroics as a group, but that's about it.
3 - Social that runs progression raids (ICC, either 10 or 25). Participation is "as wanted by the toon". Real life ("RL") and "fun" take precedence to any progression. Anyone can join as long as there's room.
4 - Raiding as social. A semi-core group of regulars. Most members are usually there, but no social pressure if you can't make it. having fun while progressing is the goal.
5 - Moderate progression - a pretty static group of people that raid. RL and such are allowed, but some commitment is required. This is the first "type" where being friends and good rapport is not needed: this is a raiding guild first & foremost. (friendships may still be there, but is not necessarily needed)
6 - Dedicated Progression Raid - You had better be there. Missing is grounds for /g kick. Generally the same group that starts is the same group that finishes.
7 - Hardest core raiding - Progression of the guild is paramount. Performance and functionality for each fight is paramount. Very good performance is not a guarantee that you will raid.
For me personally, I prefer somewhere in the 4-5 range. Kattastrophe's guild a 5, or maybe a 5.25. Big Crits is clearly a 7. I don't know, but I would assume that Ensidia and paragon are also. I would guess that Tamarind's guild is a 4, and Single Abstract Noun (the WoW Blogger reader's/writer's guild) is a 1.
Where do you/your guild fit? Did I miss anything?
Oh, and here's a question I *need* to ask: does a "7" guild exist pretty much exclusively for the benefit of the raid leader, and their 2-3 officers/etc? After all, from what I cans see, the only players "guaranteed" as spot during the final boss will be the raid leader and his/her cadre. Everyone else is expendable/interchangeable.
Does the benefit of being a part of that organization make it worthwhile to everyone else?
(or are there "7" guilds where the RL and cadre will pull themselves out for the raid/guild benefit?)
Having been in a 2 guild and now being in a 3.5 one I only know how those work. I have known a few people that thought they were in 7 guilds but those guilds never lasted long enough to really progress because everyone got pissed at everyone else. I'd much rather have my friends then worry about whether I'm going to have a spot in the raid group, but to each there own.
ReplyDeleteFor me, fun is paramount as well. Turns out one of the guild officers is 11/12 on a differnt server, and a pretty nasty guild. He came back for his friends.