With some recent activity on Balth, Iggy hasn't seen as much activity, but I'm still plugging along. With the 10% added monster experience (from pole dancing) I am trying to make the most of the reamining time in Summer Festival.
He dinged 31 last night, and I've noticed that there's no real rotation, jut a couple different spell choices, and the choice I make is pretty much based on how fast I need things to happen.
Cast Pyroblast
Cast Scorch Repeatedly until almost dead
Cast Fireblast for the finisher (instant cast so speeds things up)
If the mobs are getting close, I *may* cast cone of cold
If they reach me, I will cast Frost Nova and run, rinse repeat.
If Frost Nova is on CD, I will just make sure I have mana shield up, and spam Arcane explosion til they are dead (usually against multiple mobs)
If there are 2 or more mobs, I will sheep one (if possible) then burn the other one down. If there are 3, I will often pre-emtively run TOWARDS them, Frost nova them and pick one and burn him down with scorch/fireblast ASAP.
Then if/when one or more gets close, I will arcane explosion them, blink and repeat.
In a 5 man
For tank aggroed multiple mobs:
Flame strike until I pull aggro,
Run them back to the tank,
Frost Nova them in place
Run out and spam flame strike again
For single "trash" mobs
Arcane Missile. It's the lowest DPS, but essentially starts DPSing NOW, which is good. Otherwise I will still be casting when the mob drops.
Open with a Pyroblast if there's time before the tank pulls.
Spam Scorch and one Fireblast near the end
Again, open with Pyro, if there's time
Spam Fireball. It's about identical in DPS to Scorch, but it's more mana efficient (tested this in Theramore on the dummies there)
Toss in the occasional Fireblast as it comes off CD
On single targets, I get about 60-65 DPS, and if there are more mobs, Flamestrike can get me up to 150-200 DPS.
So, if anyone has any comments on the good, bad and/or ugly of my playing this, lemme know!
Oh, one question for level 80 Firemages: I was the "victim" of my first living bomb on Balth the other night (Wintergrasp). Nobody else was around for me to damage, so I just sood there and healed/waited it out. Is it dispellable or cleansable?
ReplyDeleteTuck Pyroblast away, remove it from your toolbar until it becomes instant (Hot Streak).
Try Fireball, Fireball, Scorch, Fireblast (Fireblast only as a "you should be dead by now button).
You will get those two fireballs off in the same time as the Pyro for more damage and less mana.
The mob should be dead.
In a 5 man
For tank aggroed multiple mobs:
A lot of damage comes from the flamestrike dot, so don't spam it.
(Highest level) Flamestrike, (if you can be bothered, Lower level Flamestrike), Blizzard, single target when 2 or less mobs (if you are still channeling Blizzard, let it run it's course, you have already spent the mana)
For single "trash" mobs
Meh, it's trash, so who cares?
Stick with Solo strat, possibly without 2nd fireball... don't be too keen to fireblast it as it is a waste of mana if a melee would have finished it anyway... shelve the epeen, save the mana
Never open with Pyro. You are assuming the tank wont get stunned etc and you want a threat buffer to build up.
Scorch to debuff, Fireball it into the ground, refresh scorch as required.
Scorch to debuff, Fireball it into the ground, refresh scorch as required.
Fireblast is a loss of DPS due to global cooldown. Only use it if you need to move.
Pop everything +damage once the boss hits <35% health so you are at the top of the meter after.
Q. Oh, one question for level 80 Firemages: I was the "victim" of my first living bomb on Balth the other night (Wintergrasp). Nobody else was around for me to damage, so I just stood there and healed/waited it out. Is it dispellable or cleansable?
A. Die gracefully.
Cleansing, dispelling etc sets off the bomb early.. we Mages are sneaky... doesn't matter if you cut the red or the green wire, you are going to die.
I think Iceblock is your only option. LB will still go off, but you are protected from it's effect... just don't be too close to your mates.
ReplyDeleteAlas, Blogspot must be sneaky that way :( I just use the free rent here, so I'm not sure what, if anything I can do to help that.
Thanks for the info!!! I've removed Blizzard from my actionbar, so I will have to re-tool it.
I thought fireball also left a DoT, so I never tried switching between them (let alone using a downranked version to get a second DoT goin)
My epeen isn't (usually) worried about topping the meters, I just hate having to fight the healer for 4th spot (if there are geared pallies and/or warriors around, that can be a challenge! - especially with long/slow cast spells)
Strangely, I didn't die from the living bomb. I just Ret-Healed myself through it. I wasn't sure what was going on until I moused over the debuff and saw the living bomb moniker. I guess having ~29k health let me survive it? *shrug*
Thanks again!!!