So you don't like being Alliance.. or you're tired questing "For the Horde!' It looks like Blizzard may be offering to allow folks to switch sides,with an equivalent-ish character.
For a fee, of course.
At first glance, this seems like a REALLY good thing. ESPECIALLY for the more casual players. But then some of my more serious gamer associates started complaining, and in the process brought up some VERY good points. Well, there are multiple aspects, but it all boils down to one issue: Balance.
As I have mentioned in my posts about the BattleGrounds, the Alliance doesn't do very well in my Battlegroup. I think I had one win in 20-odd games.
Picture that type of lop-sided-ness on a PvP server, where you are always at risk of being ganked by higher level players. There, faction balance plays a crucial role in not only the BGs and Raids, but in the day-to-day questing as well. If there are too many of one faction, simply moving from city to your quest area becomes a dangerous proposition. If your Faction has fewer people, you are less likely to have someone around to help/prevent a ganking.
And if you are on a server that already has an imbalance, it will likely get worse, as people move to avoid it. If you're trying to do the "For the Alliance!" or "For the Horde!" raids, being on the low side of an imbalanced server will be brutal.
And with the proposed change, it could get worse...
:O this all sounds so very serious it could lead to... THE DESTRUCTION OF AZEROTH!!!!!