"Here" on Velen, we are starting to have a weekly tradition: while most other servers go back to normal after the weekly server maintainance, Velen gets to be one of the 10-20 servers that ALWAYS stay down for an extra 10-12 hours... "due to hardware issues". The last couple times it happened, I just hopped onto my XBOX 360 and played RacePro, or Quantum of Solace.
This week was different.
My girlfriend started a new charachter on a different server. We both had threatened to do it, before, but just never felt like it. This time we went with the "suggested realm" and both chose to be humans on Tanaris. And we both chose a character class we don't much care for: the Rogue. I was feeling REALLY odd, so I decided to do a first: do a little gender bending and make a female character. And in a fit of petulant nose thumbing at Blizzard, I decided to create a name that's likely to get reported, but gets me giggling like a 6th grader: Aureola.
I spawned into the starting area and there must have been a HUNDRED new characters running around, many with obnoxious names like mine (StayFree is one that I recall, but I didn't see Kotex...) And everyone was running around doing the starting quests, but it was, BY FAR, the most social, light hearted experience I've had in WoW. One guy (with a female character named Lauren) started a guild on the steps of the building there. It was a Gilligan's Island guild, with all the guild levels named after characters ("Skipper" was guild leader, and us peons were either "Ginger" or "Mr. Howell". It was a lot of random running around, helping each other out, and hysterical conversations.
It was fun to run around in a huge group of people, who were all just screwing around and having fun. No twinks, no PVP, no crude, nasty trade channel conversations, no 10 minute jogs to Lakeshire, with a 10 minute slog back... just a ton of fun. I even had a little fun learning the Rogue a bit (though how much can you learn in 6 levels...)
I think I have my own Tuesday evening tradition now...
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