Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Porcupine Pie and Other Prickly Things

Anyhow, this is a bit of a mea culpa type of post. I know I ranted a wee bit about some others' screw-ups, so here's a bit of a laundry list of goof-ups I've done in heroics/raids...

I've yet to be the cause of a wipe (at least as far as I know), but I've done one or two minor flubs... *cough*or dozens*cough*

How do I commit thee, oh errors of the Ret? Let me count the ways....

- Auto-target a mob in the next group (I don't have to [tab] to attack the next target when one dies - not sure how/why, but there it is. In crazy close fights, it's nice, but not when it "selects" a mob in a group we haven't pulled) It's happened twice that I know of, and no major damage, but it REALLY has the possibility of causing a wipe...

- Targeting a mob I *thought* was marked by the tank, but not. (now that I know that a Skull/etc appears in the target frame, this rarely happens, or at least I know to change really quickly)

- Leave Righteous Fury active: (this is an aggro generating spell, and will often lead to my own death) Usually happens after I am tanking, or "sorta tanking" (equip my tank gear, pull aggro, but still leave DPS spec active - mainly for Threat from Above and similar quests) I doubt my death has ever been the cause of a wipe, but it sure is humbling...

- Have my tank gear equipped - same as leaving Righteous Fury above. The main downside here is "WTF, why is my DPS only 1,300-1,600?!?!?" The good news is that I'm rather difficult to hurt, let alone kill when I do this.

- Leave Crusader Aura (paladin "Pony Go Fast" Aura) active and not something useful like Retribution or Devotion Aura. (more common than I care to admit, but I'm getting better)

- Leave my fishing pole equipped. Fortunately, this almost never happens anymore, because my outfitter add-on automatically switches to my last equipped weapon when I enter combat. Woot for add-ons minimizing the n00b debuff!

- Get lost getting back into instances? Several times...

- Getting killed as I run back through the instance after I died? A few times.

- Falling off a ledge/missing a jump in Nexus? Check.

- Stand in the stupid? er Fire, Void, etc? Um, yeah...

- Get confused in the melee, and not notice the whirlwind? Ahhhh, yeah... that would be me...

- Get confused in the melee, not be able to target anyone, so stand there like a moron for half the fight? Ohhh yeah... that would ALSO be me...

- Not notice the Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) notification that some move, attack, or phase is about to begin? *shuffle uncomfortably* yeahhh, that would also be me... *facepalm*

I'm sure there are a multitude of other ways, but these makes up a "nice" round thirteen stupids, which is enough for now.

And yeah, I am not uber, I am not perfect. I don't pretend to be, and I don't expect anyone else to be... The thing is, be understanding when others make a dumb error. BUT, also try not to ALWAYS be making a mistake. Stupid happens to all of us.

Any egregious errors that YOU'VE made? Any NOT so egregious errors? Any funny ones?

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